Getting help
Report a bug
Please send us an email at with a subject in the form:
BUG REPORT - [short description]
For example, BUG REPORT - pagination failure
Using a title like this will help us process your request in priority.
Please provide the following pieces of information:
- A description of the issue, as precise and concise as possible.
- The steps to reproduce. Do not hesitate to make a numbered list.
Suggest a new feature
Please sens us an email at with a subject in the form:
FEATURE REQUEST - [short description]
For example, FEATURE REQUEST - add french GUI language
Using the right subject prefix will allow us to create the right type of TODO in our backlog and us allow a better treatment of your request.
Please provide the following pieces of information:
- A description of the requested feature, as precise and concise as possible.
- Why do you think this feature important to implement.
- How it will help other users to have this feature.
Request a customized resume template
Please sens us an email at with a subject in the form:
RESUME TEMPLATE REQUEST - [short description]
For example, RESUME TEMPLATE REQUEST - special case of army
Using the right subject prefix will allow us to create the right type of TODO in our backlog and us allow a better treatment of your request.
Please provide the following pieces of information:
- A description of the desired feature, as precise and concise as possible.
- Do you want a dedicated service or will the template be allowed in our catalogue ?
- Main colors, sections...
- Your special requirements.
Obtain premium support
Do you need some coaching for your career ? Or maybe simple advices and experience sharing ?
Please sens us an email at with a subject in the form:
PREMIUM SUPPORT REQUEST - [short description]
For example, PREMIUM SUPPORT REQUEST - coaching for a career change
Please provide the following pieces of information:
- What kind of support do you need for your career ?
- Why do you need some support ?
- Would you prefer a personalized support or would you go with a group support ?
About is a tool to help you organize andmanage your professional career. Save all events,starting from school to professional experiences.